Wednesday 25 May 2011

Wrong Number

I got a little mention in the June edition of Yorkshire Life Magazine - through customers whose house was featured, (it was also covered by another magazine earlier in the year),  as I made the stone fireplace in their sitting room.  It was a lovely article - but days after it came out I confess to feeling a bit peeved that there had not been any feed-back from it.  Usually at least a trickle of interest follows a publication of this sort, but not a whisper.  On re-reading the article this morning I realise they have printed the wrong number!  How frustrating!

Anyway - over the years I have carved quite a few fireplaces, and although it seems strange talking about them now, coming to summer, it is often when I work on them, ready to install for the colder months.

These were huge lintels, and I remember marking out the templates on the workshop floor in chalk, with the help of 'teach yourself geometry' book and lengths of string!

Others have been simpler, but still the focal point in a room, where everyone gathers to warm, and view all the special things collected on the mantle piece.

1 comment:

  1. oh, that is irritating when they get your name or number wrong. beautiful mantels.


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