Sunday, 19 June 2011

My Lovely Visitors and Scarecrows

Today is the last day of my Open Studio, it seems to be over so very quickly - I'm getting thoroughly used to all the attention!  Yesterday visitors braved the rain and came to see my sculpture and filled me up with lovely comments.  Thankyou to you all, and to my new customers.  I hope you realise how much your visits, conversations, words and stories encourage and inspire me and how much your support is appreciated.  Thankyou again!

I made a shelf unit for displaying some of my smaller items, and over the days as the shelves have become empty, I've filled them up with little displays of flowers and I'm wondering if I should have a sell-off today at 4 pm, like they do at Chelsea!

This little planter is beginning to look a bit lonely, so today I will pick some flowers for it too!

We are having Open Gardens in the village this weekend as well, so I've had lots of suggestions for where the best flowers are!  Hopefully I can manage to get round a few this evening and also see the display of scarecrows which have appeared everywhere.  This one is on the way to my workshop and made me laugh.  Though I do find scarecrows rather ...  scary!  Don't you?  Something a bit unnerving about them.


  1. glad your open studio was a success. I need a scarecrow in my garden. the rabbits in the wild space have gotten quite bold and I'm losing at least one tomato a day.

  2. Rabbit pie? Flavoured with tomato - should be rather good!

  3. Glad you've had a good time and success with your open studio - sorry I couldn't make it across there - this time! Good to get positive feedback I know so hope you float along a little longer on great comments, your work deserves it. Best wishes.

  4. We have a scarecrow festival in a small town over here in Ireland, didnt know what was going on when I happened to be passing through the town. Quite surreal seeing all these scarecrows around the town when you dont know what is going on. Here is a link to a blog post I wrote about it a while back


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